Introduction to Shared Shopping

Start your Shared Shopping experience

Click on the purple Shared Shopping icon in the bottom right corner and enjoy the benefits of shopping together with your friends and family online today!

No download or logi-in is reqiured - simply browse and buy together.

  • Simple 3-step on-boarding

    • Press the purple Shop with friends button in the bottom right corner
    • Enter your name or a nickname
    • Press the Invite friends button
    • Invite your friends and family via mail, SMS, preferred app or by sending them the link

    You can now browse the webshop together, suggest items to each other and add items to your shared basket—just like shopping in a physical store.

  • A higher level of convenience

    Gone are the days of sending screenshots and links to your friends in various messaging apps when buying a gift or sharing a discount as a group. With Shared shopping you can engage socially with a group of friends within the store, while still being anonymous. No downloads or logins required!

    Soon we will enhance Shared Shopping so you will get an even more immersive experience.

  • Go shopping online with your friends or family from anywhere

    Shared Shopping is an enhanced online shopping experience for groups. It allows you to shop online with a group of friends or family, e.g. booking a holiday or buying a shared gift together. All your dialogue and suggestions about what items to select is gathered in one shared online experience.

    Read our article on booking a vacation